Table 2

Treatment effect of CHPP on outcome measures*

Estimate95% CI (lower limit to upper limit)FMI
CVD risk, HeartSCORE(%)CG0.6310.587 to 0.6750.266
IG0.5800.546 to 0.6130.004
IG – CG −0.052−0.107 to 0.0030.174
Moderate physical activity (days with min 30 min)CG3.8833.750 to 4.0160.259
IG3.7273.611 to 3.8430.034
IG – CG −0.156−0.331 to 0.0190.168
Cardiorespiratory fitness (mlO2/kg/min)CG32.07331.433 to 32.7130.177
IG32.20631.648 to 32.7640.047
IG – CG 0.133−0.560 to 0.8260.158
Self-rated health—SF12CG0.8550.833 to 0.8770.265
IG0.8520.832 to 0.8720.001
IG – CG −0.003−0.032 to 0.0260.151
NEMC mental health t-score—SF12_MCS CG50.29149.709 to 50.8730.273
IG50.64650.116 to 51.1760.094
IG – CG 0.355−0.423 to 1.1320.191
Employment degree (fraction)CG0.8050.783 to 0.8260.240
IG0.8000.781 to 0.8200.004
IG – CG −0.004−0.032 to 0.0240.136
Sick leave periods ≥3 weeks duration (N)CG0.0680.052 to 0.0840.238
IG0.0640.050 to 0.0780.000
IG – CG −0.004−0.025 to 0.0170.139
  • *Mean differences or risk and risk differences with 95% CI based on imputed datasets with propensity score matching.

  • CG, comparison group; CHPP, check your health preventive programme; CVD, cardiovascular disease; FMI, fraction of missing information; IG, intervention group; NEMC, New England Medical Center; SF12, short-form 12.